Online Application System
For 2025/26 Intake

Applicaton Type: Mainland Applicants

Notes to Applicants

The College welcomes applications from overseas and Mainland China. All non-local applicants are required to obtain a student visa issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR government to undertake a course of study in Hong Kong, except for those admitted to Hong Kong as dependents, who do not need prior approval before taking up full-time studies. It is the responsibility of individual applicants to make appropriate visa arrangements. Admission to a HKU SPACE Community College / HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College programme does not guarantee the issue of a student visa.

An applicant may select up to two programmes per application and indicate his / her priority. The application fee for each application is HK$600. The interview will only be conducted in Hong Kong. Please note that the application fee is NEITHER REFUNDABLE NOR TRANSFERABLE.

An applicant who has submitted more than one application may receive more than one offer from different programmes. However, he / she can enroll and pay the registration / tuition fee for ONE programme only.

An applicant must select different 1st Programme Choice if he / she is going to submit more than one application.

Part I: Programme Choice(s)

Please note that you are NOT allowed to change your choice of programme(s) and the priority of choices once you have successfully submitted this application.

# Programme name Application Code
(MIS code) / (Score code)
1st Choice*
2nd Choice
* Compulsory Items

Part II: Personal Particulars

Do you need special arrangement in learning and/or taking the examination?

The School supports equal opportunity and strongly opposes discrimination / harassment. The document, "Studying in HKU SPACE" is available from the Website and sets out such policy more fully.
It is the College policy to offer equal opportunities to all applicants with or without disabilities. To enable us to meet the needs of all students, you are invited to indicate on this form whether you require any special assistance. If you do need such assistance, the College may approach you subsequently to obtain further details (such as medical certificates) so as to facilitate our planning and assess how best we can help you. If you fail to provide such information, the College may not be able to consider any subsequent request for assistance.

Part III: Education Background

3a - Education Background - Secondary Education*

Please provide details of your secondary school education, including incomplete and/or current studies. (Please list in reverse chronological order)

# DATE OF ATTENDANCE (FROM) [mm/yyyy] DATE OF ATTENDANCE (TO) [mm/yyyy] Country / Region Province / City Secondary School Full-time / Part-time Qualification Level (e.g. Senior secondary 3) Public Examination Attained (e.g. HKDSE,IB,GCE,NJCEE) Year of Attempt [yyyy]
3b - Education Background - Post-secondary Education

Please provide details of your post-secondary school education, including incomplete and/or current studies. (Please list in reverse chronological order)

# DATE OF ATTENDANCE (FROM) [mm/yyyy] DATE OF ATTENDANCE (TO) [mm/yyyy] College / Institution Programme Title Full-time / Part-time Qualification Level (e.g. Diploma) Qualification Attained (YES/NO)
3c - Education Background - Public Examination (Local or Overseas)*

Local examination(s)


Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (Please input all the results attempted in different years)
# HKDSE Subject Year of Attempt [YYYY] Grade


Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination
# HKALE Subject AL/AS Year of Attempt [YYYY] Grade

Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination
# HKCEE Subject Year of Attempt [YYYY] Grade

Mainland examination

NJCEE (National Joint College Entrance Examination)
(including Joint Entrance Exam For Universities in PRC for overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Students)

NJCEE Subjects and Scores

# NJCEE Subjects Scores
Total Scores

International examination(s)


# Subject Advanced Level (AL) / Advanced Subsidiary Level (ASL) Year of Attempt [YYYY] Grade


# Subject Year of Attempt [YYYY] Grade


# Subject Year of Attempt [YYYY] Grade


# Year of Attempt [YYYY] Scores Diploma


Subject Year of Attempt [YYYY] Scores
Evidence-based Reading and Writing


# International Examination(s) Subject Scores/ Grades/ Level attained Year of Attempt [YYYY]

English language test(s)


# English Language Test Year of Attempt [YYYY] Overall band / Scores

Part IV: Work Experience

The College welcomes applications from applicants aged 21 or above with relevant work experience. Please list your work experience in reverse chronological order.
# DATE OF EMPLOYMENT (FROM) [mm/yyyy] DATE OF EMPLOYMENT (TO) [mm/yyyy] Name of Company Position Full-time / Part-time

Part V: Notes to Applicants

  1. You will receive only one offer for this application if your application is successful. If the programme you are offered is cancelled because of insufficient enrolment or other unforeseeable difficulties, your course fee can be refunded or you may be considered for admission to another programme, subject to your meeting the minimum entrance requirements and the availability of places in that programme.
  2. The HKU SPACE Community College / HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College ("the Colleges") may take photographs or videos during classes or activities for the purpose of publicity and course promotion. If you do not wish your image to be published by any means, such request should be addressed to "Admissions Office, HKU SPACE Community College, 28 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon"/ "Admissions Office, HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College, 66 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong". We would try our best to accommodate your request. However, you can still exercise your right to express your wish not to have your image captured in the above circumstances.
  3. The College Principal of the respective Colleges has the final decision on accepting any application for admission.
  4. Instructional activities are normally conducted through face-to-face classroom meetings, laboratories and practicums etc. The College reserves the right to change its teaching and learning mode(s) to blended or online if the situation warrants.
Statement on Collection of Personal Data
  1. It is necessary for applicants to supply their personal data and to provide all the information requested in the application documents, as otherwise the Colleges may be unable to process and consider their applications.
  2. The personal data provided in this form will be used for processing your application for admission, and for registration, academic and administrative communication, alumni management and contacts, research, statistical and marketing (including direct marketing) purposes. The data will be solely handled by the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education ("HKU SPACE") / HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College ("HPSHCC") staff but may be transferred to an authorised third party providing services to HKU SPACE / HPSHCC in relation to the above purposes and prescribed purposes as allowed by the law from time to time.
  3. When the processing and consideration of all the applications for a particular programme have been completed: (a) the personal information of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed (if you have indicated to receive our promotional materials in Paragraph 6 then your contact details and opt-in consent would be retained for such purposes); and (b) the personal information of successful candidates will serve as part of the applicant's official student records and will be handled by HKU SPACE / HPSHCC staff or by staff of an authorised third party providing services to HKU SPACE / HPSHCC in relation to the stated purposes. In all such circumstances, please be assured that any personal information you supply will be kept strictly confidential. Personal data collected arising from any payment for this application may be retained as statutorily required and for processing refund, if necessary.
  4. Successful completion of a progamme offered by HPSHCC leads to an award within the University of Hong Kong system through HKU SPACE or an award by HPSHCC. The personal data provided by applicants to HPSHCC programmes, if admitted, will become the student records of HPSHCC (and for HKU awards also of HKU SPACE).
  5. The Colleges will send urgent messages to students via Short Message Services (SMS) and supplement by other means such as email (if the need arises). It is therefore important that the mobile phone number and email address that the applicant provides are accurate. Any change should be reported to the Admissions Office immediately. Those who have genuine difficulty in receiving urgent messages via SMS should contact the Admissions Office of the respective Colleges for separate arrangements.

  6. Use of Personal Data related to Direct Marketing

  7. From time to time, the Colleges will send the latest updates and promotional materials to applicants / students and alumni on the availability of the programmes and courses. This will also include seminars and events, discounts and offers, clinics and other services and fund-raising initiatives. Occasionally information from our parent University and fellow HKU subsidiaries may also be sent. Various communication channels will be employed such as direct-mail, email, mobile phone and other forms of social media, by using your personal data (including, but without limitation to, your name, contact details and other information collected in your profile such as programme(s) you enrolled, your graduation year etc.). You always have the right to make subsequent changes on your choice of receiving further marketing materials by sending a written unsubscribe request (by email or by post) to the respective Colleges at any time.

  8. If you DO NOT WISH to receive our latest updates and promotional materials through the communication channels as stated above, including discounts and offers from time to time, please check this box.  

  9. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request the College concerned to ascertain whether it holds your personal data, to be given a copy, and to apply for correction of the data, if deemed incorrect. Applications for access to personal data should be made by using the Data Access Request Form and on payment of a fee. Such applications for access to information should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer, via (for HKU SPACE) or (for HPSHCC). For general requests of personal data amendment, please contact the Admissions Office of the respective Colleges.
  10. For details on HKU SPACE / HPSHCC's Policy on Personal Data (Privacy), please refer to the School Prospectus or Website [ (for HKU SPACE) or (for HPSHCC)]
  11. HKU SPACE, being part of the University of Hong Kong, the Personal Information Collection Statement and the Supplement in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation of the University also apply where applicable and can be accessed from and Being in partnership with other overseas Universities, it also endeavours to comply to their laws and regulations as far as practicable. However, the School is obliged to maintain part of the students’ records in perpetuity for reasons stated in this PIC.

Part VI: Declaration and Authorisation

  1. I declare that all information given in this application form and the attached documents are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete and that any false information or misrepresentation will disqualify my application for admission and enrolment.
  2. I authorise HKU SPACE / HPSHCC to use, check and process my data as required for my application to HKU SPACE Community College / HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College programmes. I accept that all the data in this form and those HKU SPACE / HPSHCC is authorised to obtain will be used for purposes related to the processing and administration of my application in the Colleges' context.
  3. I authorise HKU SPACE / HPSHCC to obtain, and relevant authorities to extract, release and access any information about my qualifications and/or employment as required for my application.
  4. I consent that if registered in either HKU SPACE Community College or HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College, I will conform to the Statutes and Regulations of The University of Hong Kong and the rules of HKU SPACE / HPSHCC.
  5. I am fully aware that fees paid are neither refundable nor transferable.